  • 简体中文


1. How to create a wallet
Click "Assets" → "Create Wallet", select the wallet type, enter the creation information, and create a wallet.
Steps to create a wallet
Set wallet name, wallet password, password prompt information
Follow the prompts to save the wallet mnemonic
Verify mnemonic words
Created successfully
Warm Reminder
The mnemonic phrase (private key) is the only way to recover the wallet. Once lost, the assets cannot be retrieved. Please keep it safe!
The mnemonic phrase should be backed up by physical media as much as possible, such as copying it on paper with a pen or using a fireproof, waterproof and anticorrosive "mnemonic secret box" Etc. It is forbidden to take screenshots or take pictures to prevent leakage.
2. How to import wallet
Click "Assets" → "Import Wallet", select the wallet type, and import the wallet.
Import wallet steps
Enter wallet backup
Set wallet password, password prompt information (optional)
Click "Start Import"
Warm Reminder
If an error occurs during the import process, please refer to the tutorial.
If the address is different after import, the imported mnemonic (private key) is wrong.
3. How to backup wallet
Click "Assets" → "Select Wallet" and select the wallet to enter the management page to back up the wallet.
Steps to backup wallet
Click the "Backup Wallet" button
Correctly copy the mnemonic phrase or private key according to the prompts
Keep the mnemonic or private key in a safe place
Warm Reminder
The backup of the wallet is the only way to retrieve the assets, so it must be kept safe.
The mnemonic has the same function as the private key. It is recommended to back up the mnemonic.
It is recommended to use the mnemonic secret box to keep the mnemonic words
4. How to initiate a transfer
How to initiate a transfer
Open the asset wallet and select the currency to be transferred, click "Transfer", enter the transfer amount, the payment address, and complete the password verification. Yes.
How to initiate a collection
Open the wallet, click on the wallet address at the top, and send the wallet address to the other party.
Warm Reminder
If the other party uses the FSV wallet to transfer money to you, just show the receiving QR code to the other party.
助记词尽可能采用物理介质备份,例如用笔抄在纸上或使用防火防水防腐蚀的「助记词密盒」 等,禁止截屏或者拍照,以防泄露。
打开资产钱包选择要转账的币,点击「转账」,输入转账金额、收款地址,完成密码验证即 可。

DPoS 教程

1. Tutorial for building DPoS nodes on windows system

Computer configuration requirements

4 core 8G memory, more than 1000G free disk partition remaining space, export bandwidth more than 10m
Keep the external network tcp port 26656 open

Operating system requirements


Installation instructions

First, log in to the official website fs.video to download the windows installation package.
The installation directory needs to be selected. The partition with the largest remaining capacity is not recommended to be installed on the C drive. It is best to create a separate larger partition such as the D drive. This partition is only used to store the fsv installation.

Application for POS mining instructions

Enter my mining machine->DPoS mining
Click Calculate the required amount of mortgage, it will check whether the current online time is met, and display the current minimum mortgage amount.
When you are online for 24 hours, apply for POS mining button and you can click it normally.

After entering the application page, fill in the application materials and wait for the block confirmation after submission to be called a DPoS miner,
Note that DPoS miners will become official DPoS miners and participate in DPoS rewards when their cumulative mortgage amount is greater than 51. When they are less than 51, they will automatically become standby DPoS miners. At this time, they cannot participate in DPoS rewards and will not be punished offline.

2. Linux tutorial to build a DPoS node

Computer configuration requirements

4 core 8G memory, more than 1000G free disk partition remaining space, export bandwidth more than 10m
Keep the external network tcp port 26656 open

Operating system requirements


Installation instructions

1.Check whether the capacity of the disk mount path/data is greater than or equal to 500G

df -B G | grep /data | awk '{print $2}'

2.If the capacity of /data is less than 500G, or the capacity is not displayed, you need to increase the hard disk first, and then partition the hard disk (refer to the linux hard disk partition tutorial).

3.Go to the /data directory to download the fsvLinux compressed package and unzip the file

cd /data
yum install wget -y
wget https://dsw3rxqm9wq1x.cloudfront.net/linux/fsv22.12.101.zip
unzip fsv22.12.101.zip

4.Go to the /data/fsv directory

cd fsv

5.Increase execute permission

chmod u+x op.sh fsv fsv_daemon ipfs cosmovisor videochain fs-repo-9-to-10 fs-repo-10-to-11 db/bin/fsv-db

6.Install dependent libraries

yum install libaio psmisc -y

7.starting program

./op.sh start

8.stop the program

./op.sh stop

9.View run log

tail -f daemon.log or cat daemon.log

10.Apply for POS mining

./fsv dpos create

Parameter list description:

  --min-self-delegation float // DPoS manager's minimum self-delegation amount, nodes below this value will be imprisoned
  --name string // The name of the DPoS node DPoS Node Name
  --self-delegation float // The amount to be mortgaged by the DPoS manager
  --commission-max-change-rate float // The maximum rate that the commission ratio can be adjusted each time
  --commission-max-rate float // The upper limit of the maximum adjustable commission ratio
  --commission-rate float // commission rate
  --contact string // Contact information of the DPoS node
  --website string // Site information of the DPoS node

After that, you will be prompted to enter the mnemonic, and after confirmation, the confirmation parameter prompt will be printed. At this time, entering y will initiate a request to create a dpos node on the chain of the current dpos node.


1. You need to wait for the block of the current node to be synchronized to the latest before you can operate, otherwise it will fail

11.POS lifted ban

./fsv dpos unjail

After that, you will be prompted to enter the mnemonic phrase, and after confirmation, a request for on-chain unblocking of the current dpos node will be initiated.


1. The mnemonic must be the creator of the dpos node

2. Only support the lifting of the current dpos node

3. You need to wait for the block of the current node to be synchronized to the latest before you can operate, otherwise it will fail

12.Check the running status

./fsv status
  Sync Info
  LatestBlockHeight: 115828
  LatestBlockTime: 2021-10-30 01:05:27.615134076 +0000 UTC
  LatestAppHash: 2F453162DD17EA382FEA36E760EDCDCB4A3B57D2F57A8B2065F50FCD8AF30D7F
  LatestBlockHash: 90485EB1F671CB4F76984313F1D8E78857528550F200B89D392BA53907945FB9
  LatestBlockHeight: 115828
  EarliestBlockHeight: 1
  EarliestBlockTime: 2021-10-21 16:10:29.9874294 +0000 UTC
  EarliestAppHash: E3B0C44298FC1C149AFBF4C8996FB92427AE41E4649B934CA495991B7852B855
  EarliestBlockHash: 738BD289C495EFD1C448A88AEEE165437EE5F95C888AB60C84C47D3BAA07151B
  -------------------------------------------------- --------------------
  Node Info
  ListenAddr: tcp://
  Network: fsv20211021
  NodeID: f6cbec7a89c95a73f4dadf0f9b0dced21439456d
  -------------------------------------------------- --------------------
  Validator Info
  Address: D3F19BAF0186AB254BE9E6679DAA6B7992671267
  VotingPower: 0
  PubKey: jVjAsiR63boOfqc9Npk3w0E1IQNWs+PEQuwebe7UZR0=
  ConsAddress: fsvvalcons160cehtcps64j2jlfuenem2nt0xfxwyn8l5dqs8
  -------------------------------------------------- --------------------
  Sign Info
  Jailed Status: nothing
  Tombstoned: false
  Sign Start Height: 100
  Signed blocks: 100
  Unsigned blocks: 0

Safe and stable operation

1.It is recommended to deploy a supervisor to monitor the process of FSV. It can also be restarted automatically after an unexpected exit

2.If the following error occurs, it means that the libaio library is not installed.

error while loading shared libraries: libaio.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

You need to run the command separately to install this library:

yum install libaio -y

3.If the following error occurs, it means that the psmisc library is not installed.

killall command error Please check whether it is installed correctly

You need to run the command separately to install this library:

yum install psmisc -y
3. Linux Hard Disk Partition Tutorial

1. Find the unpartitioned hard disk, pay attention to distinguish the system hard disk and data hard disk,
the red line mark is the path of the hard disk

fdisk -l

2. Hard Disk Partitioning with fdisk

fdisk [The path of the hard disk to be partitioned]

Enter p to view the partition status

3. Enter n to create a partition

4. Enter p to create the primary partition

5. Select the partition number, use the default value here, just press Enter

6. Select the starting sector, use the default value here, just press Enter directly

7. Select the end sector, use the default value here, press Enter directly, and finally enter w to save

8. View partitioned hard disk paths

fdisk -l

The first red box marked the hard disk path

The second red box marked the partition serial number

The combination algorithm is hard disk path + p + partition serial number

Partitioned hard disk path : /dev/nvme0n1p1

9. format hard disk partition

mkfs.ext4 [Partitioned hard disk path]

10. Create /data directory

mkdir /data

11. Mount the partitioned hard disk to the /data path

mount [Partitioned hard disk path] /data

12. Check the mounted status of the partitioned hard disk.
If you can see that /data has been mounted, the execution is successful.

df -B G | grep data

13. Set partitioned hard disk to automatically mount

Update the location of [Partitioned hard disk path] in the code below,
replace it with the actual value, and then copy the following 4 lines of code to the server for execution

export partition=[Partitioned hard disk path]
sed -i -e "/\/data/d" /etc/fstab
echo "${partition}    /data ext4    defaults    0 0" >> /etc/fstab
cat /etc/fstab
4. Tutorial on Upgrading Existing Linux Nodes to Smart Chains

1.Enter the directory where the fsv is located (such as /data/fsv)

cd /data/fsv

2. Stop an existing program

./op.sh stop

3. Return to the parent directory of the fsv

cd ..

4.Download the smart link linux program

wget https://dsw3rxqm9wq1x.cloudfront.net/linux/fsv22.12.101.zip

5.Unzip the file. If you are prompted whether to overwrite the file, enter A and enter

unzip fsv22.12.101.zip

6.Enter the /data/fsv directory

cd fsv

7.Add execution permission

chmod u+x op.sh fsv fsv_daemon ipfs cosmovisor videochain fs-repo-9-to-10 fs-repo-10-to-11 db/bin/fsv-db

8.Install dependent libraries

yum install libaio psmisc -y

9.Start the program, and then wait for the startup and completion of the upgrade (about 10-30 minutes)

./op.sh start

10.View Run Log

tail -f daemon.log or tail -f log/fsv.log

11.View the running status of the main chain

./videochain status

If the value of LatestBlockHeight in the output content is greater than 5341742, the program has started to work normally to synchronize the block.

1、windows系统搭建 DPoS 节点的教程






首先登录官网 fs.video 下载windows安装包。


进入 我的矿机->DPoS挖矿


2、Linux搭建 DPoS 节点的教程






1.查看磁盘挂载路径/data的容量是否大于等于 500G

df -B G | grep /data | awk '{print $2}'

2.如果 /data 容量不足500G,或者 没有显示容量, 则需要先增加硬盘,然后对硬盘进行分区(参考linux硬盘分区教程).

3.进入 /data 目录下载fsvLinux压缩包并解压文件

cd /data
yum install wget -y
wget https://dsw3rxqm9wq1x.cloudfront.net/linux/fsv22.12.101.zip
unzip fsv22.12.101.zip

4.进入 /data/fsv 目录

cd fsv


chmod u+x op.sh fsv fsv_daemon ipfs cosmovisor videochain fs-repo-9-to-10 fs-repo-10-to-11 db/bin/fsv-db


yum install libaio psmisc -y


./op.sh start


./op.sh stop


tail -f daemon.log 或 cat daemon.log


./fsv dpos create


  --min-self-delegation float          // DPoS管理者最低自抵押金额,低于该值节点将被监禁          
  --name string                        // DPoS节点的名称 DPoS Node Name
  --self-delegation float              // DPoS管理者要抵押的金额
  --commission-max-change-rate float   // 佣金比例每次可调整的最大幅度
  --commission-max-rate float          // 最大可调整的佣金比例上限
  --commission-rate float              // 佣金比例
  --contact string                     // DPoS节点的联系人资料
  --website string                     // DPoS节点的站点资料




11.POS 解禁

./fsv dpos unjail







./fsv status
  Sync Info
  LatestBlockHeight: 115828
  LatestBlockTime: 2021-10-30 01:05:27.615134076 +0000 UTC
  LatestAppHash: 2F453162DD17EA382FEA36E760EDCDCB4A3B57D2F57A8B2065F50FCD8AF30D7F
  LatestBlockHash: 90485EB1F671CB4F76984313F1D8E78857528550F200B89D392BA53907945FB9
  LatestBlockHeight: 115828
  EarliestBlockHeight: 1
  EarliestBlockTime: 2021-10-21 16:10:29.9874294 +0000 UTC
  EarliestAppHash: E3B0C44298FC1C149AFBF4C8996FB92427AE41E4649B934CA495991B7852B855
  EarliestBlockHash: 738BD289C495EFD1C448A88AEEE165437EE5F95C888AB60C84C47D3BAA07151B
  Node Info
  ListenAddr: tcp://
  Network: fsv20211021
  NodeID: f6cbec7a89c95a73f4dadf0f9b0dced21439456d
  Validator Info
  Address: D3F19BAF0186AB254BE9E6679DAA6B7992671267
  VotingPower: 0
  PubKey: jVjAsiR63boOfqc9Npk3w0E1IQNWs+PEQuwebe7UZR0=
  ConsAddress: fsvvalcons160cehtcps64j2jlfuenem2nt0xfxwyn8l5dqs8
  Sign Info
  Jailed Status: nothing
  Tombstoned: false
  Sign Start Height: 100
  Signed blocks: 100
  Unsigned blocks: 0




error while loading shared libraries: libaio.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory


yum install libaio -y


killall command error Please check whether it is installed correctly


yum install psmisc -y
3、Linux 硬盘分区教程

1. 找到未分区的硬盘,注意区分系统硬盘和数据硬盘,红线标记处为硬盘的路径

fdisk -l

2. 使用fdisk进行硬盘分区

fdisk [待分区硬盘路径]

输入 p 查看分区情况

3. 输入 n 创建分区

4. 输入 p 创建主分区

5. 选择分区号码,这里使用默认值即可,直接按回车enter

6. 选择起始扇区,这里使用默认值即可,直接按回车enter

7. 选择结束扇区,这里使用默认值即可,直接按回车enter,最后输入w进行保存

8. 查看已分区的硬盘路径

fdisk -l



组合算法为 硬盘路径 + p + 分区序号

已分区的硬盘路径 : /dev/nvme0n1p1

9. 格式化硬盘分区

mkfs.ext4 [已分区的硬盘路径]

10. 创建/data目录

mkdir /data

11. 挂载已分区的硬盘到 /data 路径

mount [已分区的硬盘路径] /data

12. 查看已分区的硬盘挂载情况,如果能看到 /data 已经挂载说明执行成功

df -B G | grep data

13. 设置已分区的硬盘自动挂载

更新下方代码处的 [已分区的硬盘路径] 的位置,替换为实际的值,然后复制下面4行代码到服务器中执行

export partition=[已分区的硬盘路径]
sed -i -e "/\/data/d" /etc/fstab
echo "${partition}    /data ext4    defaults    0 0" >> /etc/fstab
cat /etc/fstab

1.进入 fsv所在的目录(如/data/fsv)

cd /data/fsv

2. 停止现有程序

./op.sh stop

3. 返回到fsv所在的上级目录

cd ..


wget https://dsw3rxqm9wq1x.cloudfront.net/linux/fsv22.12.101.zip

5.解压文件,如果提示是否要覆盖文件,键盘输入 A 回车即可

unzip fsv22.12.101.zip

6.进入 /data/fsv 目录

cd fsv


chmod u+x op.sh fsv fsv_daemon ipfs cosmovisor videochain fs-repo-9-to-10 fs-repo-10-to-11 db/bin/fsv-db


yum install libaio psmisc -y

9.启动程序,然后等待启动和完成升级(大约 10-30分钟)

./op.sh start


tail -f daemon.log 或者 tail -f log/fsv.log


./videochain status

如果输出内容里面 LatestBlockHeight 的值大于 5341742 说明程序已经开始正常工作同步区块.

Open Node Interface Function Description

1.Configuration process in Windows environment (take Windows10 system as an example)
Method 1:
Select "This PC", right-click and select "Properties".
Click "Advanced System Settings"
Then click "Environment Variables" under "Advanced"
In System Variables, select New
Fill in the variable name FSV_OPEN_API, the variable value 1, and then click OK
Go back and click OK
Restart the program to take effect
Method 2:
Modify FSV in the directory where the program is located Toml, set under [open_api]
Changed enabled = false to enabled = true
Restart the program to take effect
2.Configuration process in Linux environment (CentOS)

Method 1:

Move to this directory cd /etc/profile.d/

cd /etc/profile.d/

Create a file

vi fsv.sh

write file content

export FSV_OPEN_API=1

make the file valid

source ./fsv.sh

restart the program

Method 2:

Modify FSV in the directory where the program is located Toml, set under [open_api]

Changed enabled = false to enabled = true

Restart the program to take effect


在系统变量中,选择 “新建”
填入变量名 FSV_OPEN_API,变量值1,然后点击确定
修改程序所在目录下的fsv.toml,将 [open_api] 下的
enabled = false 改为 enabled = true


移动到此目录下 cd /etc/profile.d/



vi fsv.sh


export FSV_OPEN_API=1


source ./fsv.sh



修改程序所在目录下的fsv.toml,将 [open_api] 下的

enabled = false 改为 enabled = true
